Disable browser cache

You must send the HTTP header in the minimal set of instructions to disable the browser cache. The most important are:

Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate
Pragma: no-cache
Expires: 0

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PDF tool split join rearrange

PDF tool
A PDF tool really useful.

I can’t find the freeware software that do all it does this PDF tool. Encrypt, decrypt, join, offers in detail, split, stamp, create and rearrange PDF file.

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logrotate mysql dump

Technique logrotate mysql dump

I chose to use logrotate to execute a copy with rotation and auto purge “of database dumps over which files they need my sites.

In this example I run up to a mysql with mysqldump daily, and cherish the previous 8 with this method.

Let’s see how:

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Compress large files

Compress large files and historical archives for linux file server

I have a samba server on linux that acts as a fileserver for your entire network. There are at least 500GB of data. So I had to look for a way to compress large files.

Keep everything under control is really a difficult undertaking. To do this I use a research strategy and a series of commands/tool utility.

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Basic git guide

Git guide to start using downloaded projects

This guide git basic answer to a question: and now how do I distribute the work on production servers?

git clone https://github.com/fventurini/pbx-pannello.git

Thats it the project was deployed, just have to say it was ‘ cloned ‘. So my next target is keep up 2 date the project. How do I?

git remote update
git pull--all

It’s all.

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